The anime Dr. STONE, based on the manga series written by Riichiro Inagaki and illustrated by Boichi, is coming to Crunchyroll as their first simulcast for the summer. Thousands of year after humanity was petrified during a global catastrophe, two…
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The students of Class 1-A are hard at working, readying their school for a cultural festival. Izuku Midoriya is also part of the preparations while advancing his training with All Might. A new group of villains make their moves, and…
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On Monday, July 1st, 2019 transit fares around Metro Vancouver will rise as part of TransLink’s on-going improvements to SkyTrain, SeaBus, bus and other services. Single trip fares will see a five cent increase, while concession fares go up five…
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The cost of taking BC Ferries is about to go up thanks to a new 1.5% fuel surcharge starting June 1st, 2019. On routes between Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island, this is an additional 25 cents for an adult passenger…
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Crunchyroll and Twitch Prime are working together to bring 30 days of free anime to Twitch Prime members. This bonus is the first non-gaming loot for Twitch Prime members. Members of Twitch Prime have their choice of free PC games…
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Square Enix dropped a teaser video for the much anticipated Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is a total overhaul of the popular Final Fantasy VII that was released 20 years ago on the original PlayStation. The brief video uses footage…
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Anime, manga, gaming, photography, and with events local to Vancouver, Canada.