I picked up Naruto: Rise of a Ninja during my brief stay in Chicago for Reactor (only because no-one had it in Canada when it was released). Graphics Even though the visuals of the game are cel-shaded, they are amazingly …
I’ve never been to an anime convention before; I only heard about them from my friends who’ve attended some of the larger ones like Anime Central and Sakura-Con. After hearing about Anime Evolution, I was interested in attending to see …
It’s no surprise that popular anime series have inspired various styles of merchandise, but skateboards? Yes, there are boards out on the street with a ninja design or a monster. Viz Media had 400 custom-made, limited edition Naruto skateboard decks …
Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland, is a tale of two cities. Divided by the train tracks that lead into Waverley Station, are the New Town on the north side with its orderly city blocks, and the Old Town to the …
Between Glasgow and Edinburgh is the city of Stirling and the home of Stirling Castle. As one of Scotland’s most recognizable stone fortresses, Stirling Castle holds a special place in the country’s history. Stirling Castle occupies a stony outcropping overlooking …
Perched high atop Castle Rock is the mighty Edinburgh Castle. Looming over Scotland’s capital city for some 900 years, this fortress is home to history, tradition and amazing views, delighting both locals and tourists alike. At the western end of …
Just outside the northern Scottish city of Inverness is the historic field in which the Battle of Culloden was fought on April 16th, 1746 between the armies of Charles Edward Stuart and the Duke of Cumberland, William Augustus. It was …
I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but haven’t gotten around to it. Naruto is an anime and manga series conceived by Masashi Kishimoto focused around a young up and coming ninja struggling to be recognized. It’s a …