Light up those dark evenings with Bright Nights in Stanley Park! Opening Thursday, November 26th, some three million colourful Christmas lights will be strung up around the Stanley Park Train Plaza for everyone to enjoy. The Stanley Park train will be …
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The original DigiDestined have reunited! Fans in Canada, United States, Latin America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand can catch the first four episodes of the long awaited Digimon Aventure Tri. on Crunchyroll starting at 7:00 am PST on November …
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During the Nintendo Direct live streaming event, it has been revealed that the gaming company will be giving The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess a visual overhaul for re-release on the Wii U just in time for the 30th anniversary …
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In the first Nintendo Direct since the passing of Nintendo’s president Satoru Iwata this past July, a new challenger for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS/Wii U is joining the already diverse cast. Cloud Strife, the spiky-haired, massive sword-wielding protagonist from …
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On Wednesday, November 11th, communities around Metro Vancouver will be holding ceremonies to honour the men and women who serve and have given their lives for Canada. The Veterans Affairs Canada Calendar of Events web site has a searchable listing of additional …
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Last week, Vancouver city council voted to remove both the Georgia Street and Dunsmuir Street viaducts just east of the downtown core. Over the past few years, council has crafted an elaborate proposal towards the demolition of the two elevated concrete roadways and their …
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Anime, manga, gaming, photography, and with events local to Vancouver, Canada.