Kick off 2019 with anime, pop culture, comics, gaming, movies and horror by attending a convention this year in British Columbia. While there’s plenty of events in and around Metro Vancouver, the rest of the province still has a few places for …
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Kick off 2018 with Japanese pop culture, comics, gaming and horror by attending a convention this year in British Columbia. While there’s plenty of events in and around Metro Vancouver, the rest of the province still has a few places for fans …
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It’s a new year and fans of Japanese culture in British Columbia have a choice of conventions to choose for 2017. While there’s plenty of events in and around Metro Vancouver, the rest of the province still has a few places for fans to band …
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It’s 2016 and that means a new year full of events to strut your cosplay, discuss your favourite anime and pick up the latest manga or figures. While there’s plenty of conventions in Metro Vancouver, the rest of the province still …
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It’s time to dust your cosplay off, grab your friends and head on out to one of British Columbia’s conventions for 2015. If you love mecha, shoujo, lolita fashion, J-Pop, fan art or figures, you’re sure to find something at one …
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With 2014 comes a new year of places to celebrate your love for your favourite anime and manga. Grab your costumes and friends for a weekend of fun at four events in southern British Columbia! Tsukino-Con – February 14th – …
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Looking for a place to share your cosplay and meet up with thousands of like-minded people into Japanese media? British Columbia has a handful of events, mostly in the Metro Vancouver area, with one on Vancouver Island. For 2013, here’s …
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By now, most anime fans within Metro Vancouver has read the update posted on the Anime Evolution web site – there will be no convention this year. The AE Convention Corporation, the group behind the scenes, disbanded the committee that …
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Anime, manga, gaming, photography, and with events local to Vancouver, Canada.