Last year, Hyrule Warriors made its debut on the Wii U. Now, the cross-over between Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda franchise and Omega Force’s Dynasty Warriors is coming to the Nintendo 3DS.
IGN uploaded a promotional video featuring footage from the Japanese-version on the handheld console. No release date was mentioned, but more details could be forthcoming at next week’s E3.
Hyrule Warriors deviates from the existing Legend of Zelda timelines. The story of Cia, a guardian of the Triforce, becomes corrupted by the shattered spirit of Ganondorf and attempts to recover the pieces of the golden artifact. In doing so, the land of Hyrule is plunged into darkness as portals between the different dimensions open, disgorging armies of monsters. Training to become a soldier, Link joins the troops defending Hyrule castle and Princess Zelda.
Source: IGN
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