The anime adaptation of the Square Enix RPG The World Ends with You The Animation is getting an English dub courtesy of Funimation, with the first episode airing on September 17th, 2021.
Funimation has shared the English cast for The World Ends with You The Animation which is available on their streaming platform.
- Ben Balmaceda as Neku Sakuraba
- Morgan Lauré as Shiki Misaki
- Van Barr Jr. as Beat
- Dani Chambers as Rhyme
- Drew Breedlove as Futoshi
- Brandon Potter as Hanekoma
- Anthony DiMascio as Higashizawa
- Andrew Kishino as Kariya
- Christopher Wehkamp as Kitaniji
- Marisa Duran as Konishi
- Brent Mukai as Minamimoto
- Jessica Peterson as Yashiro
Additionally, the staff handling the translation and production includes Kyle Phillips as ADR director, Jamal Roberson as the lead ADR engineer and Alyssa Dumas as assistant ADR engineer. Work on the English script falls to Jessica Sluys as ADR scriptwriter, with James Baker as ADR script prep, under the supervision of Bonny Clinkenbeard; Gino Palencia is the mix engineer.
The World Ends with You was originally developed for the Nintendo DS in 2007, but has since been remastered for mobile devices and Nintendo Switch as The World Ends with You: Final Remix.
Source: Funimation
© SQUARE ENIX/The World Ends with You Project, MBS
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