Celebrating the anniversary of the DWMA, meisters and their weapons convene on the academy for an evening of partying. However, one witch plans on making a late appearance and crashing the party… Medusa is looking for the resting place of …
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Snow is synonymous with Canada, but this morning’s snow and the Canada Line did not mix. So why is snow and ice such a frustration with rapid transit lines? First of all, snow and ice can affect how the trains …
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As TransLink moves forward in it’s goal of upgrading the fare system on trains and buses, there’s a few sides to the switch from the existing fare media to smart cards. Upsides Cash is becoming a thing of the past …
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I’ve got quite the collection of anime-themed t-shirts, with the majority being from Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, and Death Note. Here’s a selection of some of my favourites, in no particular order. Looking to buy some yourself? The dealer’s room/exhibition …
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Ever since Apple contributed to the renovation of the North/Clybourn station on the Red Line, Chicagoans have wondered if the Chicago Transit Authority would let the electronics company rename the station. The CTA is investigating the ability to sell the …
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Ever since the Evergreen Line was announced, one of the largest questions surrounding the proposed line was “how much?” (the other being “when?”). The $1.2 billion extension already has $800 million from both the federal and provincial governments, with the …
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Hikaru winds up in the middle of some misunderstandings just as the Hokuto Cup is about to start and leaves him unable to focus on the game. Unable to concetrate in the first match between Japan and China, Hikaru looks …
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Viz Media released its new Viz Manga app for the Apple iPad today. The application allows users to download popular manga series including Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, Bakuman, and Dragon Ball and view them at full screen digitally. The app …
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Ed and Al finally reunite in the sanctuary where the mysterious Father resides and encounter his unique form of alchemy. However, a new homunculus appears, adding to the brother’s troubles while Scar uncovers the truth behind the cause of the …
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The annual Celebration of Light fireworks competition returns to English Bay for three nights in 2011. The event usually hosts four nights, but is down to three likely due to the high cost to plan and execute the dazzling displays. …
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Anime, manga, gaming, photography, and with events local to Vancouver, Canada.