New Kingdom Hearts III clip

This article was published on October 15, 2013 and could contain information that has since changed or become out-of-date.
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D23 Expo Japan is underway and Square Enix has capitalized on this event to unveil a 96 second clip of the in-progress Kingdom Hearts III.

While there is still a long way to go before the game hits the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, this video provides a glimpse into what we can expect. Sora now wields a transforming keyblade which can fire projectiles and can also summon rides from Disney Parks — notably the Pirate Ship and the Big Magic Mountain Railway. Additionally, Sora can even use these summons as a platform to launch additional attacks on bosses. As this only a demonstration, expect the techniques, visuals and functionality to change as Kingdom Hearts III is still early in development.


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