Attack on Titan’s second season a ways off due to manga

This article was published on March 15, 2016 and could contain information that has since changed or become out-of-date.
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It will be a while before fans of Attack on Titan get to watch its second season. The next installation of popular Japanese anime series is delayed all because of the manga.

To keep the manga and anime from running in parallel, the graphic novel must be well ahead of its animated counterpart, preferably four story arcs, according to artist Hajime Isayama and anime director Tetsuro Araki. As of now, the manga is only up by two-story arcs, half of what’s needed to prevent “filler” episodes from being introduced to keep the distance.

Attack on Titan originally aired in 2013 acquiring a huge following both in Japan and around the world. Several spinoffs and original stories have popped up in advance of the main series second season.

Source: Moviepilot


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