In 2024, the One Piece anime will mark its 25th anniversary and the cast of the series are looking forward to it. As the Egghead Arc (pictured at top) begins on January 7th, 2024, a retelling of the original anime titled The One Piece is also planned.
Appearing on stage for the event were the voice actors from the anime: Mayumi Tanaka (Monkey D. Luffy), Akemi Okamura (Nami), Kazuya Nakai (Roronoa Zoro), Kappei Yamaguchi (Usopp), Hiroaki Hirata (Sanji), Ikue Otani (Tony Tony Chopper), Yuriko Yamaguchi (Nico Robin), Kazuki Yao (Franky), and Katsuhisa Hoki (Jinbe). Two special guests from the live-action Netflix One Piece also made an appearance: Iñaki Godoy (Monkey D. Luffy) and Jacob Romero (Usopp).
The voice actors fondly reminisced of their 25 years of working on the anime and re-enacted their favourite scenes from the manga for the audience.
One Piece began broadcasting on October 20th, 1999.
Following a showing of the Egghead Arc trailer, it was revealed that a new anime series is in production through a brief video. The One Piece is a new project between Shueisha, WIT Studio, Fuji Television and Netflix to revisit the first storyline of Eiichiro Oda’s manga.
No further details on The One Piece or when it will premiere were provided.
Source: Jump Festa 2024
©Eiichiro Oda/Shueisha, Toei Animation
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