External Link header

A small design change on how external links are displayed

This article was published on May 1, 2020 and could contain information that has since changed or become out-of-date.
Please be mindful when reading, commenting on, or sharing this article.

There’s now a design change on Nephrus to indicate when a link is pointing to an external resource not hosted on www.nephrus.net. These are easily identified by a red box with an arrow pointing out of the top right corner: External Link icon.

This provides a visual marker on which links will lead off of www.nephrus.net and out to another web site, such as www.google.ca.

Links that point to internal resources, such as another article like my Photography page, will not display this icon.

For those who are curious in using this wonderful function on their own site, can do so without the need of a WordPress plug-in, just with a few lines of CSS code. There’s an easy how-to guide on wpmudev which has all the details, and a perfect demonstration of the icon in action.


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