Studio Ghibli’s epic The Boy and the Heron opened at the Toronto International Film Festival amid word that it was Miyazaki’s final project. That’s not the case according to a studio executive who is attending the festival and was interviewed by the CBC.
Some outlets, including the BBC, have reported that The Boy and the Heron is the legendary animator’s “last” movie.
Eli Glasner, a reporter and critic with the national broadcaster, spoke with Studio Ghibli Vice President, International, Junichi Nishioka. When asked by Glasner, “[i]t’s been reported this is Miyazaki’s last film. Is there no way of convincing him to continue?” Nishioka, through a translator, replied “…but, he [Miyazaki] doesn’t feel that way at all. He is currently working on ideas for a new film. […] So this time, he’s not going to announce his retirement at all.”
Miyazaki did not travel to Toronto for the premiere, though he is likely hard at work on his next project for the big screen, based on Nishioka’s comments.
The Boy and the Heron opens in Canadian theatres on December 8th, 2023.
Source: CBC
©2023 Studio Ghibli
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